Monday, September 17, 2007

Listen to the Natives

Stacy Naden 09/18/07
Listen to the Natives Marc Prensky

This is a very opinionated article about updating our schools. The author thinks that all students have advanced and thrive in the digital era, I disagree. He states that schools need to key into the students' interest in technology, such as cell phones, blogging, instant messaging, and downloading. Rather than prevent the students from accessing these things in the classroom, we need to channel this technological energy and use technology as a learning tool.

  • Collaborating with students electronically
  • Programming (A key skill for 21st century literacy)
  • Net Day (
  • Speak up day and student voice
  • Flexible organization (making instruction more adaptive and more effective)
  • Student Engagement (outside of school, electronically)
  • Digital Tools (I pods, Camera phones, myspace)
  • Learning partners (internet connection)

This article is significant to me in preparation to being an art teacher because there are many technology tools I could potentially utilize in an art classroom. For example, digital cameras, scanning, computer design, web page design, video imagery, photoshop, and others. I am even more inspired to develop and plan ways to connect students in the classroom. Although I found some of the language in the article to be very loaded with opinionated language, it was a good resource to be exposed to and was even a little interesting.

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