Tuesday, September 4, 2007

EPIC 2015

Ha! I thought this video was brilliant. I don't think that the history of google, amazon, friendster, MSN, and the New York Times accurately sums up what largely exists on the internet today.
I think it was a focused attempt to create a convincing outcome- or future. All in all the video implies that technology is the way of the future. The internet is an integral part of the classroom and of the world. It's often difficult to filter factual information from non-factual information. It connects cultures, people, classrooms, continents, etc... Technology is an amazing tool when used effectively.
It's easy to get caught up on the sensational qualities of the internet and technology, such as shopping, networking, random everything. Yet, when used effectively technology can really connect our worlds.
Did I say, when used effectively yet?
Effectively as a learning tool. Teaching technology as a tool for learning and how to access factual information.

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