Monday, October 29, 2007

Power Point Presentation

The power point presentation was successfully uploaded to The only problem with the upload is that some of the fonts that I used to create the power point presentation didn't upload to I am very aware that this makes it a little difficult to view in the manner it was intended to be viewed. However, I spent a bit of time making sure that the font I selected was one that I really wanted. This font could be a potential problem when I open the power point from an older computer. I am aware of this and will be forced to change it at that point. I would like to keep the font as the original at this point for the video presentation portion of this assignment. The issue should be resolved in about a week or so.
The power point presentation is about the environmental impact of plastic bags versus the environmental impact of reusable bags. I did a simple study that compared the average number of bags given to you at the two local grocery stores when spending a certain amount of money. I compared the average number of bags with an average dollar amount of groceries since I usually buy similar items when I go to the grocery store, spend about the same amount of money, and receive about the same number of plastic bags. I used the average numbers to find out what the numbers would be over a span of time. I estimated the amount of money I spend on food each month and I got results that gave me an estimation of the number of plastic bags consumed over the course of one year to ten years. I also averaged the largest number of reusable bags needed each year and found that the reusable bag numbers were drastically lower than the amount of plastic bags.
This information is presented on one power point slide. The rest of the information on the slides is research that I found on the Internet. Some are news articles, others are environmental activist websites, others are websites containing information on where to find reusable bags on the Internet. I enjoyed searching for images and selecting the text layout. The power point presentation is pretty successful other than the fact that my chosen font didn't upload.

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