Monday, February 25, 2008

Creating the Rubric
Creating the rubric was easy after having done the project myself. I think if the assignment would have been to create a rubric before the project was assigned then it would be rather difficult to assess the elements of the digital story. I was able to reflect on aspects of creating the story that I had trouble with or that I would have done better on, and I selected those for the foundations of the grading rubric. I thought it would be important for students to develop a solid and thorough story map, seriously considering the content of their story. I also thought it was important for students to be creative and really strive to find unique elements to add to their story. I also thought it was important to assess the students use of technology. Did they use it to the best of their abilities? Did they try to learn new things? Did they utilize the transitions, auditory, and visual technical elements available in the movie making program? Finally I had the students assess themselves and their work: Did they do their best work, could they have done better?
I'm pleased with the outcome of the rubric, I think it's a good rubric to use in an actual classroom setting where the students are expected to create a digital story. If I were teaching this I would outline clear outlines in the beginning of the project, teach editing tools in the classroom, and give the students more specific guidelines in creating their stories.
Digital Story Rubric

Evidence of Planning= 30 points

(15 points) Story Map is a thorough plan of the digital story
(15 points) Story line is engaging (it has meanining, climax, conflict, resolution, etc.)

Creativity= 30 points

Digital story contains unique elements:

(10 points) visual
(10 points) auditory
(10 points) content

Use of Technology= 30 points

Used the movie making program to the best of your abilities:
(6 points) read tutorials if there was an element that was unclear
(6 points) editing
(6 points) sound bytes
(6 points) smooth transitions
(6 points) story line flows with editing elements

Rate yourself: 1-10

How do you think you did?
Are you happy with the final results?
Would you have planned more if you had more time?
Would you change anything about your video?
Could you have used class time more wisely?


Total= ______/ 100

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